Traumatic brain injuriesTraumatic brain injuries (TBI) are often caused by car accidents, firearm wounds, slip and fall accidents, hypoxia, and brain tumors. Regardless of their cause, most cases have one thing in common: treatment options are limited, and offer minimal relief to TBI sufferers and their loved ones. TBI is a major cause of death amongst young adults and often leads to lifelong disability for survivors. As such, the development of new treatment options is a growing area of public health.

Treatment Options for Patients With Brain Injuries

Prompt treatment can minimize the long-term effects of TBI, so much of the burden falls on those who treat patients immediately after an accident. Doctors often recommend a variety of treatment options to patients with brain injuries, including surgery, rehabilitation, and pharmacology. Many patients utilize a combination of these methods in the days, weeks, and months after sustaining their injury. Most see promising results when in the care of a neurosurgical center that offers goal-targeted therapy.

New Pharmacological Treatment Effectively Reduces Aggression

Aggression is one of the most serious side effects of TBI. Patients who develop this side effect are often a danger to themselves and others. This is often an issue for aging caretakers who are unable to calm or manage an aggressive episode, which increases the need for long-term care centers and other costly residential treatment options.

Treatments that effectively minimize aggression provide patients with expanded care options. In one study conducted at Indiana University, researchers examined the effects of Amantadine on patients with chronic traumatic brain injuries and moderate-to-severe aggression. Taking 100 mg of Amantadine twice per day appeared to decrease aggression in a majority of patients. Successfully treating aggression could help patients maintain stronger relationships with loved ones, stay involved in the community, and even maintain employment.

Neural Stem Cell Treatment

Replacement of damaged brain cells could effectively reverse the effects of traumatic brain injury, minimizing the impact to the brain and other affected organs. Researchers have seen some success with cell repair and replacement. Several studies have looked at the effects of neural fetal tissues with nerve growth factors. Transplanted stem cells effectively altered neutrophil factor levels, leading to improved development of nervous tissue and better behavior outcomes.

The use of stem cells in research is highly controversial in many areas, which limits researchers’ ability to develop for stem cell-based treatment options for TBI patients. If stem cell legislation lays the groundwork for further research in the future, TBI patients could enjoy a wide variety of new treatment options.

Unfortunately, new TBI treatments are often costly and not covered by insurance, since most insurance companies require a substantial body of research before they’ll pay for new forms of treatment. If your traumatic brain injury was the result of someone else’s carelessness or negligent actions, a brain injury attorney could help you recoup your expenses.

Get the Help You Need With Your TBI Case

If you or someone you love has suffered a traumatic brain injury, it’s important to determine who’s responsible. Reach out to Dennis A. Lopez & Associates at (813) 670-3296 for a free consultation and case evaluation.

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